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杨萍    中心主任  正高级实验师  博士  

毕业于中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所分析化学专业  色谱质谱分析与应用研究方向

电话:086- 021-50253028, 邮箱:yangping@fudan.edu.cn

廖雪玲  工程师  博士  


电话:086- 021-50753066, 邮箱:liaoxueling@fudan.edu.cn

刘秀杰  工程师  博士  


电话:086- 021-50753066, 邮箱:lxj186517@126.com

曹忠莲  工程师   博士在读  

复旦大学生物与医药专业  生物药物、分子生物细胞分析研究方向

电话:086- 021-50753066, 邮箱:caozhonglian@fudan.edu.cn

郭晓敏  助理工程师  本科  

毕业于青岛大学应用化学专业  色谱质谱分析与应用研究方向

电话 : 086- 021-50750718, 邮箱:guoxiaomin4081@163.com

张悄  助理工程师  硕士  

毕业于复旦大学药学专业  核磁分析与应用研究方向

电话:086- 021-50750718, 邮箱:zhang_qiao@fudan.edu.cn


毕业于复旦大学药学院药剂学专业 同位素标记和示踪技术研究

电话:13764610797, 邮箱:jianchen@fudan.edu.cn



电话:13651943327, 邮箱:zzhou@shmu.edu.cn


Ping Yang,

Title: Director, Degree: Ph.D. Supporting research fields: Analysis of synthesized organic compounds, natural compounds, peptides, and metabolites of medicine by UHPLC-QTOF and others.

Contact : 086- 021-50253028,yangping@fudan.edu.cn

Xueling Liao

Title: Engineer, Degree: Ph D. Supporting research fields: Analysis of biological samples, including cell lines, blood, plasma, tissues, etc, at the cellular level by FACM to picture a cellular vision under physiological or pathological condition.

Contact : 086- 021-50750366,liaoxueling@fudan.edu.cn

Xiujie Liu

Title: Engineer, Degree: Ph D. Supporting research fields: Designing immune-nanomedicine for targeted cancer immunotherapy, construting and maintaining technical platform including Flow Cytometer, Real-time Cellular Analysis (RTCA), and Ultracentrifuge.

Contact : 086- 021-50750366, lxj186517@126.com

Zhonglian Cao

Title: Engineer, Degree: M.S. Supporting research fields: Analysis biological samples including tissue slices, cells, proteins, nucleic acid, etc. by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM), Biacore T200 and other biological equipments.

Contact : 086- 021-50750366, caozhonglian@fudan.edu.cn

Xiaomin Guo

Title: Assistant Engineer, Degree: B.A. Supporting research fields: Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of trace compounds in vitro and in vivo by LC-MS/MSHPLC and others.

Contact : 086- 021-50750718,guoxiaomin4081@163.com

Qiao Zhang

Title: Assistant Engineer, Degree: M.S. Supporting research fields: Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of biological extract and chemical compound by NMRLC-MS/MS and others.

Contact : 086- 021-50750718, zhang_qiao@fudan.edu.cn

Jian Chen

Title: Engineer, Degree: Ph D. Supporting research fields: Radionuclide labeling and tracing techniques.

Contact : 13764610797, jianchen@fudan.edu.cn

Zhou zhu

Title: lecturer,Dwgree: Master D, Supporting research fields: Natural Drugs of Chemistry

Cotact: 13651943327.  zzhou@shmu,edu,cn