
仪器中心管理规章制度首页  管理制度  仪器中心管理规章制度

Large Instruments Laboratory management regulations

1.仪器管理规范(Instrument Management criteria)
1. 精密贵重仪器在签订合同以后,应组织专人负责实物验收和技术验收工作,包括消化资料,制定验收方案,准备安装条件。仪器到货后及时开箱,安装调试,认真验收。验收完毕,写出验收报告,汇集资料,建立技术档案。
Special staff should be organized to be responsible for the material and technical check of the precision instrument after signing of the contracts, to digest insrtument informations, develop acceptance programs and prepare for the installation; Check the equipments after the arrival, install and make a careful check ; Give the acceptance test log, collect the information and establish of the technical documents.
2. 仪器设备档案,要从验收仪器开始,保存各种原始资料,包括仪器设备购入时随带来的文件,图纸,图谱,原始清点记录,性能测试记录,验收日志。在仪器设备使用过程中,要随时把使用情况记录在仪器使用记录本上。维护保养过程中要建立故障管理记录和保养管理记录。故障管理记录的内容有故障发生和处理完毕的日期,发生时的状况,处理方法,结果及遗留事项,维修人员交待的注意事项等,以供日后参考。保养管理记录以使用说明书为基准确定保养检查项目。每次保养仪器设备后做详细记录。这些档案资料是开展技术管理和维修的依据。要指定专人妥善保管。
All kinds of raw materials, including the documents, drawings, maps, original inventory records, performance records and acceptance test log following with the equipments should be recorded from the beginning. The status of the equipment should be noted at any moment during operation. Treatment  of fault and maintenance should be noted. The fault management includes the time,  instrument status, processing methods and results, remaining issues and the precautions from the maintenance engineer for future reference. The instrument manual is the basis of maintenance management. There should be a detailed record after each equipment maintenance. These documents are technical basis for management and maintenance. Be careful of safekeeping.
3. 保管者负责检查仪器整洁及零配件完整,以保证随时使用。做到责任到人。制订仪器的操作规程定期进行检查,计量和标定,以确保仪器灵敏度和准确性。必须加强对使用人员的基本操作训练,使他们熟悉有关仪器的性能和特点,熟练操作使用技术。对于精密,贵重仪器的使用,必须指定有经验的检验技术人员负责管理和指导使用。其他人员必须经过技术培训和技术考核以后,才能独立使用。
The depositary is responsible for one equipment, it should be clean, tidy and ready to access. Regular equipment inspectection, measurement and calibration should be carried out to ensure the equipment sensitivity and accuracy. The performances and characteristics of the instrument must be mastered and the basic operation must be enhanced. Experienced technical staff is responsible for the management and guidance of the sophisticated and expensive equipment,. The individual is not allowed before technical training and technology assessment.
4. 仪器在运行过程中一旦出现故障,必须请维修人员。操作者要详细介绍仪器的现状,提供必要的情况,维修人员只有在详尽地了解了仪器的使用情况之后,才能对仪器提出妥善的处理措施。修理完毕,要将仪器故障的部位和原因,填写到故障管理记录中。还应详细记录故障处理方法,修复情况,更换了哪些零部件,今后应注意些什么问题等,以供今后使用和维修仪器参考。要建立保养常规,定期对仪器进行维护检查。
Maintenance personnel must be requested once the equipment fails during operation. Operator must detail the status of equipment and provide the necessary conditions. Only a detailed understanding of the status of the instrument, the maintenance staff  can make proper handling of the instrument measures. The location and cause should be recorded, also including detailed records of repair methods, the parts that was replaced and the issues needed attention in the future. The check and maintenance routines should be carried out strictly.
2.仪器的使用规范Instrument Using Criteria
1. 实验室所有大型仪器设备与设施均责任到人,其使用必须遵守预约、登记和验收制度。
Specialized staff is responsible for the major equipment and facilities, it must comply with appointment, registration and verification system.
2. 任何使用者在使用仪器前必须首先了解仪器设备的性能与操作程序,方可操作使用必须严格按照使用说明书中的操作规程进行;凡对拟使用仪器的操作无把握者,务必请教仪器负责人;操作使用中必须严格遵守各仪器的操作规程,没有得到许可或不按操作规程操作,将视为违章操作。
The individual must understand the performance and manual of the equipment firstly. Operation must be strictly carried out in accordance with the instructions; Any question please ask the staff who is responsible for the apparatus; Operation must be strict compliance with the operating rules; It is prohibited for the deemed improper operation.
3. 本实验室仪器仅供教职工和研究生使用,未经许可不得带外来人员到实验室。
The laboratory equipment are provided only for faculty and graduate students, Unauthorized person are not allowed to enter the laboratory.
4. 发现仪器故障,使用者必须立即向实验室负责人报告,严禁擅自处理、拆卸、调整仪器主要部件。
Found that equipment is failure, the laboratory head shoud be informed immdiately, any unauthorization processing, dismantling, adjustment of main instrument components is prohibited.
5. 使用结束后,必须记录仪器运行状况、开关机时间并在登记表上签字。
The status of the instrument, time of machine switching must be noted and registration form is filled before leave.
6. 有违反以上各项者,如若发现,实验室负责人有权保留取消其使用资格的权利。
Operation qualifications may be cancelled for person who violates the regulations.
7. 所有仪器使用费均按收费标准收取,实验数据在本实验室电脑中保留三个月。
Standard fee will be charged  and the experimental data will be retained for only three months in the laboratory computer.
8. 实验室使用时间为正常工作日。时间:上午9:00~下午5:00。
Laboratory is opened on working day at 9:00am~ 5:30pm.
3.实验室安全规范(Laboratory Safety Criteria)
1. 实验室应保持整洁,严禁摆放与实验无关的物品;防止节肢动物和啮齿类动物进入实验室。
The laboratory should be kept neat, clean and free of materials that not pertinent to work; Arthropod and rodent should be controlled;
2. 实验室通道,公共通道及消防紧急通道必须保持畅通,严禁在实验室通道附近地板上放置有机溶剂。所有实验人员应知晓消防器具位置、紧急逃生通道,以及急救箱位置;
Access to exit, emergency equipment, and utility controls shall never be blocked or obstructed. Organic solvents are not allowed to be placed around the passageway. Each individual should be familiar with the location of fire-extinguisher,  the emergency passageway and first-aid-kit.
3. 只有经过批准的人员方可进入实验室工作区域;儿童不应该被批准或允许进入实验室;所有新教师、学生都要接受实验室安全管理规范的培训后方能上岗
Only authorized persons should be allowed to enter the laboratory working areas; Children should not be authorized or allowed to enter laboratory working areas; All new staffs and students should receive safety training before they can run experiments.
4. 在实验室工作时任何时候都必须穿着连体衣、隔离服或工作服;在实验室用过的防护服禁止和日常服装放在同一个柜子内;严禁穿着实验室防护服离开实验室,如去餐厅、图书馆等;严禁在实验室内穿露脚趾的鞋子;
Laboratory coveralls, gowns or uniforms must be worn at all time for work in the laboratory; Protective laboratory clothing that has been used in the laboratory must not be stored in the same lockers or cupboards as street clothing; It is prohibited to wear protective laboratory clothing outside the laboratory, e.g. in canteens, libraries, etc; Open-toed footwear must not be worn in laboratories;
5. 禁止在实验室工作区域储存食品和饮料;禁止在实验室工作区域进食、饮水、吸烟、化妆和处理隐形眼镜;需要带出实验室的文件必须保证在实验室内没有受到污染;
Storing foods or drinks anywhere in the laboratory working areas is prohibited. Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics and handling contact lenses is prohibited in the laboratory working areas. Documents that are expected to be removed from the laboratory need to be protected from contamination while in the laboratory;
6. 实验人员应严格遵循操作规程;实验时应穿实验服,佩带防护镜、手套等防护用品。严禁用口吸移液管;严禁将实验材料置于口中;
All individuals are required to follow the operation manuals. Safety coat, safety goggle, gloves should be used for protection. Pipetting by mouth must be strictly forbidden; Materials must not be placed in the mouth;
7. 严禁戴手套接触门把手,电梯按钮。禁止随意丢弃实验废弃物。禁止将锐器、玻璃、注射器及针头丢弃在需要常规垃圾箱中。
It is not allowed to touch the handles of doors or buttons of elevators with glove on. It is not allowed to throw away the experimental wastes optionally. It is not allowed to throw the sharps, glass, syringes, and needles into normal waste trash cans.
8. 夜间实验需填写过夜反应信息卡并备案。高压实验及其它危险性实验应在专有实验室进行。有爆炸危险实验时应在操作人员与实验设备之间放置透明防护板。
Overnight experiments should be registered with information on card.
High pressure experiments and other dangerous experiments should be carried out in the special lab. A transparent protective shield should be place between the operator and equipments when explosion is possible..
9. 剧毒品、易制毒品、麻醉品采购、保管、领用均需遵循相应章程;其废弃物应装在有明确标识的容器中并交给有相应资质的废物处理公司销毁。装载过剧毒品的容器在丢弃前须要将容器内残存物处理。
All individuals are required to follow the operation manuals for toxic compounds. The container for toxic substance must be properly treated before discarded.
10. 实验人员应按照《复旦大学药学院化学品安全使用、处理手册》要求使用并处理化学品。化学品储存应按照性质分类原则。化学品转运时最好置于塑料容器中。废物处理须清晰标注所属类型,如有机废液,水质废液,固体废弃物。
All individuals are required to follow the “Manuals about operation and disposal of chemicals in school of pharmacy, fudan university”  . Chemicals should be stored according to the classification by properties; The chemicals should be put into secondary plastic container when they are transported. Waste disposal should clearly label the containers with the types of waste, such as organic waste, aqueous waste, solid waste.

 药学院 仪器测试中心
